K. please put this online for everyone.. So the MTC is amazing! I truly love it. I love my companion Sister Marble. SHe is a convert of 2 years and has a beautiful testimony. I KNOW the Lord truly has a plan for each of us and he puts people, situations and EVERYTHING in place so we can grow and learn. I feel the spirit EVERY hour. it gets really tiring- but its amazing. We study the gospel and learn about it for 16 hours a day!! Its a ton but ssooo interesting and amazing! I love everyone in my district- they are.. Sister Marble from NV, Sister Broderick-UTah, Sister Drake-NC, Elder Bertram-Australia, Elder Felix-Utah, Elder Gandolph-NC, Elder Christensen- Idaho, Elder Liechty-Utah.. They are all SSOOO fun and we seriously LOVE eachother. its amazing how close we grow after being with eachother for only 8 days--- weeeellll 16 hours aday i guess we better be close!! The Elders are SO respectful of us sisters. I love it- when we play sports like volleyball or softball, the elders are always so willing to let us have 3rd and 4th chances to bat, serve or pitch the ball. They are such sweet elders. They all have super stong testimonies of the gospel and are a wonderful example to me. Its CRAZY to think that they are only 19 years old!!! They will change lives for sure. The MTC is such a great place! Imiss everyone so much- but honestly i Rarely think about that! ahha.. if im not studying, scarfing down food, im sleeping or showering- and still thinking about scriptures, hymns and what the investigators are doing! I literally dont have time to think about anything else! I LLLOOOVEE it though! It keeps me on task. I love my teachers- Brother Nardone, Sister Reed and Brother Juregensmier. They all do such a wonderful job and are totally lead by the spirit. THank you all for your love and support. Dont be afraid to email me and write me! you can always write me and send packages to me at the MTC at Sister Crystal Gail Horning, Winnipeg Canada mission #225, 2005 N 900 E, Provo Utah 84064. OR you can write me at dearelder.com and just put in my information!! If you want to email- that works as weel throughout my whole mission- as far as i know.. I can write you back on Thurs.(preperation days).. crystalgail@myldsmail.net Now i gotta make like a baby and head out of this mother! HA!. I love and miss you all. Please send pictures!!! that would be the biggest help EVER. and Celeste- please send that book to my MTC address- its more expensive to send stuff to Canada! - Love Sister Horning |
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