Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Crystal and The Chipmunks? Catchy.

So Ive decided to try and join Alvin and make some money off my ridiculous look. I got my friggin wisdom teeth pulled and yes- I look hotter than EVER. I have been just a wreck the past couple weeks. Ive gone to the hospital twice in one week and the Dentist twice. I found I have/had a staph infection in my leg (YESH!!), got a root canal on Weds and then my wisdom teeth pulled on Friday. But- Im sure my medical problems are over, at least at this time! GGRREEEATT!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

What the WHAT THE?!

yeah! So I started a Friggin web log again.. UGH. Hopefully Ill be able to keep up with this crap. SO, here I am. back in Utah- Once again! I love it here. And Im done with my first class-math 950. I know Im friggin Jeenyus! Dont hate.

So Im working now and going to skool. I love it. AND i love that Im getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. I will be pissed if people dont make fun of me. On the reals. I know Ill look ridiculous and freaked out, they dont need to act like I dont.

So this is my first of hopefully MANY posts. k. bye. bye. BYE!